A level Media as a subject teaches us about all things media, and how it has evolved with time and about the power it truly holds. It not only teaches us about media but also how we apply it, our understanding of the subject is then showed by our coursework over the two years, like our magazine task in the first year and Film task in the second. Our portfolios and final projects show what the students are capable of and what they've learnt in their two years. We learn about media not just through media content like movies and tv shows but also through case studies and then we are expected to apply all that knowledge, skills and understanding through our Foundation and Advanced Portfolios.
For A1, we have to make our foundation Portfolio where I have to make a magazine or a film opening, this can be done in a group or individually and I did this individually.I chose to amke a magazine. And to document the whole process, I gave updates on the through blog posts and lastly, there a creatuve critical reflection where I basically concluded my coursework and it's process.
Pdf containing information regarding the subject-