This blog focuses on the fonts I used in my magazine which basically set a style and vibe for my magazine. All fonts I used in the magazine were really simple and elegant and mostly similar to each other, I was going for nothing too overoard and extra and so I kept all of the fonts simple.
All the fonts used are :
Bell MT
Bodoni MT
Brittanic Bold
Century Schoolbook
Bell MT
This font is what I mostly used fo headings and titles and also what I used for the name on my cover page. I felt like this font really went with the style of my magazine as it's simple yet elegant. This font is also what used for the contents and the editor's note page as it just gave it a more graceful and neat look.

Bodoni MT
I used this font to write the cover lines on the cover page and made it bold so it has more impact and is more visible to the readers. This font is also quite similar with 'Bell MT' font which I used for the MastHead and it contrasted well with it and sort of brought the whole cover together.

I used this font in bold to write the date on the top of the MastHead. This went really well together with the Mast Head and it was simple yet looked good.

Brittanic Bold
I used this font for the title of one of my feature article. I used this font specifically just for that title because I wanted it to be impactful and wanted it to come off a little strongly.

Century Schoolbook
I used this font for one of my feature articles and I really liked the simple yet dignified look it gave and it also matched with the house-style of the magazine. I used it not just for the title of the articke but also for it's body text.
