In this blog post, we'll talk about feature articles and their different types. But first of all we should know what a feature article is.
A feature article is basically the main story in a magazine, it talks about a specific subject like a special event, place or person in a lot of detail and many readers find these feature articles very enjoyable. These give out comprehensive information in a relaxed way rather than giving it like straight news and that is what captivates the readers more.

There are soo many types of feature article designs and these are only some of the examples.
These different designs basically outline the different types and even genres of feature articles.
For example, some designs are more text heavy with just one picture like profile features and reviews while some designs are filled with photos like lifestyle features which include home decor or beauty features.
Here are some examples of different types of feature article designs
- One of the most common and liked feature article design in magazines are Instructional features. These are basically any features that are guiding the readers to do something efficienty and correctly. One of the very common example for such features are Food Recipes. And these features usually are spreaded on two pages so there's text/instructions on one and pictures of the final results on the other.

- Another type of feature design are lifestyle feature articles. These can be about beauty, home decor, gardening tips, tips for a healthy lifestyle etc. These designs usually have pictures with them so they can give the viewers a better and more visual idea of what they're saying. Especially in features about home decor, these are displayed with pictures and text which include tips about how to get the perfect aesthetic for your home.

- Now, what other designs are there?
There are feature designs that focus more in text as they are Personal feature aricles. These personal features basically talk about the writer's personal experience about some special event that took place in their life. These types of feature articles have more text in them than picture and sometimes because of that people find these boring, so it's important to make your feature articles as fun, enganging and relaxed as you can!

- And lastly there are Profile designed features. These features are mostly text with just one picture of the person or the people that the article is about. These can be about the writer itself or can be a triute to a special or famous person. This design is definitely more heavy with text.

Another type of really interesting, fun and also quite helpful type of feature articles are review articles. These can be book reviews or film reviews or reviews about basically anything. This can help save your time while also help you decide which movie to watch next or what should be your next read!
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